This 1982 Italian production was shot on location in New York City. It's all the good aspects of The Warriors and Escape from New York combined,but way funnier. Essential.
It's the end of Summer, and what better way to commemorate than to revisit those growing pains we all went through at camp, via two of the finest films on the subject?
First up is Little Darlings, with Kristy Mcnichol and Tatum O'Neal as two 15-year olds competing to see who loses their virginity first. It's a girl movie, but I still like it for the realistic, tough characters. Think of it as a cross between "Meatballs" and "Born Innocent". Unavailable on DVD, so this'll get pulled eventually for copyright reasons.
Next is Sleepaway Camp, in which the shy and sensitive Angela learns to love and care, and maybe discovers a few things about herself along the way. Think of it as a cross between "Meatballs" and "The Bad Seed".
A few years ago, either here or on another blog, I cited this as the most traumatic ending I'd ever seen. I first experienced it as a teen, and since then whenever I'd even think about the movie, I'd start feeling physically ill and anxious. So it's strange what time can do; I just saw this again, and the whole movie is hilarious. And the ending is a perfect punchline.
If you don't know it ends, then for God's sake, see this movie soon before someone ruins it for you. Get it on dvd through netflix and whatnot, or watch it here:
Cool, I've been waiting for this to show up on the internet. I've been a fan ever since I found it as a bonus film on Something Weird's Alice in Acidland DVD. It seems to be very obscure - there isn't even a page - but should have become a cult classic decades ago.
This weird hybrid of social commentary and stag film is NSFW with its borderline-hardcore sex scenes. John Holmes is even in one of them. But it's youtube, which is strictly no nudity, so there must be some edits.
Man o man, this looks goo-oo-ood. Not prepared to sit through the whole damn movie to find out for yourself? Perhaps you may be enticed by this most excellent promo reel:
Sid Haig! Lana Clarkson! David Carradine! Action! Adventure! Idiocy! Start Here: