A Futurechimp associate has returned from the front with images of a wax museum's storage room somewhere in America. The name of both the photographer and the museum have been withheld to protect the guilty.
from the BBC youtube page description: A cat named Oscar, who had its back feet severed by a combine harvester, has been given two prosthetics in a pioneering operation. The new feet are custom-made implants that "peg" the ankle to the foot. They are bioengineered to mimic the way deer antler bone grows through the skin.
If you sat through more than five seconds of The Black Sleep, here's your chaser:SLITHIS. My dad took me and a huge car full of other kids to the drive-in for this fondly remembered movie in 1978.
Shot on Venice Beach in just 12 days, and boasting an impressive 1.9 out of 10 stars on imdb.com, Slithis The Movie isn't so impressive as Slithis The Marketing Juggernaut. The filmmakers rolled out the PR on this one, dressing up a guy in the Slithis suit to make personal appearances all over the country:
And when you entered the theater, you got a Slithis Survival Kit. To replicate the experience, print the below images on a half sheet of cardstock (both sides) and fold it lengthwise:
Watch the whole movie below in chaptered low-rez youtube frustrato-vision. Not available through netflix, but you can get it on a somewhat-affordable DVD from Code Red, distributors of other rare-but-essential films like "Beyond the Door" and "Stunt Rock". Check out their incredible catalog.
Hollywood legends Basil Rathbone, Lon Chaney Jr, John Carradine, Bela Lugosi and Tor Johnson gathered together in 1956 for one of the worst movies ever made. I haven't seen it yet, but have been wanting to for about 20 years. It's hulu, so you get a steady stream with a couple of commercials.